Sunday, May 12, 2013

Save / Invest


Dear mom,

This entry is dedicated to you.  You gave up your veterinary practice to homeschool me for my first 13 years.  You taught me how to read, and you taught me how to think for myself.  In addition to everything else, you're probably the only person who reads all of my blog posts.  Thanks.


I recently finished teaching a week of Game Theory in my economics class.  Game is my favorite type of theory, and economics is my favorite type of class.  When I gave them the test, I added a little section at the end which I called a "Bonus".  It was a bonus, but it was also a game theory experiment, a mind game, and the outcome in an indicator of how much faith we should have in humanity.  Here it is:

1. You have a free bonus point right here in your grasp (+1).  You can choose to keep it, or invest it.  If 85% or more of the class invests, each investor will gain an additional bonus point.  If less than 85% invests, each investor will lose their bonus point.  If you save it, it’s guaranteed.  Circle one.

            SAVE                                                   INVEST

Now, what is the most desirable outcome of this game?  Let's break it down.  It's simple.

                    Everyone Else (>85%)
                  Save              Invest
       Save    1, 1                1, 2
      Invest   0, 1                2, 2

The point value before the comma is what "You" get, the one after is what "Everyone Else" gets. Is there any additional information you need?  It IS important to know that my class isn't graded on a curve.  It can't help your grade to hurt someone else's, and theoretically everyone could finish with A's.  Another way of looking at it is that all the students are competing against me (no curve), as opposed to each other (curve).

Given a non-competitive environment, what is the best decision?  Keep in mind that these are students who probably have a better understanding of cost/benefit than the typical high school sophomore.  The best outcome is clearly that everyone invest.  When I say clearly, I mean it's as clear as the answer to "Would you rather have one bonus point, or two? No, this isn't a trick question." 

The students had a tad more information than you do.  They knew how many of the fellow game-players had to invest for them to gain that extra extra point (and when I say they "knew", I mean they had access to that information).  For both of my sections of 16 students, the magic number was two.  They could have up to two people save, and the rest of the 14 would still be safe to invest.  If three or more saved, the investors would lose their investment.  They also knew the characters/personality of other players in this "game", which could turn out to be a positive or a negative, depending on the other players.  

To review.  Asking what outcome is best is the same as asking which outcome results in the highest total of bonus points.  Well, "all invest" equals 32 total bonus points, "all save" equals 16 bonus points, and the worst-case scenario?  Three save, 13 invest.  THAT results in three total bonus points.  So we could end up anywhere from 3 to 32 bonus points.

With me so far?

Great! I trusted you, really.  It's all those other people I question sometimes.

Last week I did a week on business cycle theory, focusing almost exclusively on the Frederich Hayek vs. John Maynard Keynes debate.  small government vs. big government.  lasseiz faire vs. interventionism.  intentional saving vs. intentional deficits.  solve the boom vs. solve the bust.  human action vs. central planning.  

They are opposite in every conceivable way, yet they both make convincing arguments.  Okay so "opposite" is a slight exaggeration, since Keynes is more towards the center of the big picture spectrum (flanked by Marx on the left and libertarians/anarcho-capitalists on the right).  Here is my off-the-cuff summary...

Hayek says if we allowed individuals to make their own decisions without interfering with their incentives, we would arrive at the best outcome (though he admits there will be less-than-optimal outcomes along the way).  Interference in the market results in false signals, false signals result in malinvestment, and malinvestment can lead to booms (unsustainably "strong" economies).  Booms eventually lead to busts.  

Keynes says we can't trust individuals to make decisions which are best for them in the long run.  He says the fluctuation in the stock markets are based on random & unpredictable elements of the human psyche, calling these irrational impulses "animal spirits".  Since we can't predict them, the best solution is to minimize the busts once they happen.  When people notice the economy is slowing/crashing, they become conservative and hoard their money.  This over-saving leads to an even slower economy, leading to more saving, leading to... he calls this the Paradox of Thrift.  The solution, then, is to replace the lost consumer spending with government spending.  The gov't can provide jobs and stimulate the market, at least until the economy is strong again.  

Is it funny that I'm concerned that one summary is noticeably longer/more complicated than the other? Because of Occam's Razor.  It's concerning to me.  I'm trying to avoid bias.

Their debate is articulately and succinctly stated in this unbiased video. It's 8 minutes.  You don't have to watch it.

When it comes down to it, Hayek has faith in individuals, and Keynes does not.  Keynes thinks he needs to make decisions FOR normal (irrational) people.  

Are you wondering why this post thus far has been on two completely separate topics?

Are you wondering how many students saved and how many invested?

Are you wondering who is right?

Where to begin..

The answer is 8.  Eight students invested, and eight saved.  In both sections!

So both sections received a total of eight bonus points (eight got one, eight lost one), approximately 24 points less than the optimal-and-completely-attainable outcome of 32.  

What conclusion can we draw from this?  As the teacher/dictator, where is the teachable moment?

Well, the students failed to arrive at the best outcome under their own power.  Simply put, Keynes won round one.  I could "guarantee" a better solution by taking away their freedom to make the choice at all. And it's in my power to do so.  Why not?

As we discussed in class later, what's the difference between this situation and, say, passing a law requiring everyone to wear a seat belt? Or, making smoking illegal.  Orrr... even more literal, imagine this.  Since, upon retirement, a majority of people wish they had accumulated more money, and, even knowing this, younger people (such as myself) STILL don't put enough way, shouldn't the government force us to do what's best for us in the long run, and divert a percentage of money from our incomes into saving?  If the decision is Spend All  /  Save Some, and the best long run outcome is "Save Some", should we even be left with a choice?  Sound familiar?

Maybe you're still wondering why anyone would choose to save in MY little game.  It comes down to a few things.  First, it matters how you think about the bonus point.  Some people think of it as potentially avoiding losing a point when they save.  The other type of person thinks of it as potentially gaining a point when they invest.  The first type will tend to be conservative, the second embraces risk.  The decision they make in this game would be a somewhat reliable indicator for how risky they are in general (and when I say "somewhat reliable", I mean I would love to track them for the rest of their lives and see what decisions they make and how they turn out).  It's very difficult for each type of person to see from the other's perspective, as they realized during discussion.  Many people strongly prefer avoiding losses to acquiring gains.  It's called Loss Aversion and I'll tell you more about it later.

The thought process the savers described in class was fascinating.  "I was afraid that too many people would save, so I saved."  Translated, "I was afraid that other people would make the worst decision, so I made the worst decision."  They became what they were afraid of, because of their fear.  This lines up perfectly with Keynes theory; he said that uncertainty leads to underinvestment.  

I wasn't finished with the game yet, though.  After we discussed it, I had to try it again.  I'm more than a little obsessed, if you can't tell.  One thing that adds another angle is the concept of a Nash Equilibrium.  In a multi-player "game", a Nash Equilibrium is a stable outcome where you know the payoffs of the other players, and there is no benefit to any one player changing their strategy.  This game has two Nash Equilibrium points.  If everyone saves, no one player can benefit by switching to invest. Similarly, if everyone invests, no one player can benefit from switching to save.  Because either extreme is a stable state, once the players shift in one direction, that shift becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.  For example, if the second time 6 invested and 10 saved, the shifts in strategy would most likely continue until all 16 saved.  And, once all 16 saved, it would take something special for them to break out of that cycle.  The opposite is true as well.

Thankfully, both sections moved to the better end of the spectrum.  Presented with the same problem, one section had all 16 invest, and the other had 14.  

Hayek wins round two.  

The only difference between round one and round two was education.  This is a hopeful solution in my opinion, because it's attainable.  Education can be fixed; we are fixing education.  Though the government (me, in this case) theoretically has the power to coerce people into choosing "correctly", I could never side with Keynes and endorse an increase in government power.  Everything I've seen, learned, and experienced has reinforced the idea that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.  When you give someone power over you, you are also giving them an opportunity to abuse it.    So, given the choice between taking away freedom or adding education, I'd rather add education.

I added this game to the end of my 8th graders' final.  It was the most straightfoward test I gave all year, with the exception of this little mind game.
In one section, they had 5 invest and 17 save.
In the other, 12 invested and 8 saved.

I had predicted the second section would have a higher rate of investment, but I didn't really have a good reason until after the results were in.  Wanna know the reason?

This game is a fascinatingly reliable indicator of how much trust exists in a particular environment.  If you trust your classmates, you are more likely to invest.  If you don't trust your peers, you will save.  This theory is backed up by the fact that the chemistry in the second section is much better than the first.  I predict that this game could predict the degree to which participants in a particular environment trust and respect their "teammates".  

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